LIVE SHOW - Rob Mills, Toni Lodge, Oliver Clark, Rhi Down on Confessions Of The Idiots!
Get your tickets!

From the desk of Sam Petersen:
Confessions Of The Idiots is almost in its fourth year and it's time to celebrate with some of my favourite guests - Rob Mills, Toni Lodge, Oliver Clark and Rhi Down.
There's also a big special guest, one of my favourite performers of all-time that I am super excited about having some friends up on stage who I love chatting to.
It's been a wild ride doing this every week and finding the weirdest online confessions you can. Just when you think there won't be any more, ten more appear and I think "I better keep going."
It's always been about sitting in a room with friends laughing about how ridiculous the confessions are.
Come and be a part of that!
You won't be disappointed.
Get your tickets here
$20 for adults
$18 for concession
5 to 6:30 PM on Saturday 12 March 2022
Comedy Republic, 231 Bourke Street Melbourne
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