The Junkees in The Netherlands!
All Dutch lollies. That's what you eat when you're on holiday in The Netherlands.

Here's how it started.
Felicia and Mitchell (big thanks!) sent Dave a mysterious package, full of junk food from The Netherlands.
Dave opened it, then sent Kitty a text.

To the Netherlands!
Subscribe to The Junkees on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or wherever you like to listen. And check out The Junkees Facebook Group.
ALSO, if you're a member of The Junkees Facebook Group, a Munch Along video! More info further down if you'd rather get to the goods.
1. Dutch Liquorice a.k.a "Drop" in Dutch
Not your regular liquorice.
Coin liquorice (size of a 20 cent piece)
Kitty - So, when this stuff was invented, it was invented as a throat pastille. Like for a sore throat.
Dave - I can see that. Tastes like a Throatie.
Kitty - And the Dutch - mad fu*$in' people - just decided it was a really delicious lolly and they just kept eating it.
Dave - I can't even break it in half!
Double Salt (size of a 5 cent piece)
Kitty - OH! Just bit my tongue!
Dave - AH! OOOOOO! Like a battery!!! OH NO! That's the most... that's the most reaction I've had to anything. I nearly had a heart attack!
Kitty - AH! OOEEUGH! Omagawd.
Salmiak Rockies (like allsorts)
Dave - Oh, hang on! That's nice! Beautiful!
Kitty - Not like the double salt. That's alright, that's quite sweet.
2. Smoeljes speculaasjes
You must be at least 13 years old to view the website, or read the translated text below (according to
"Cheerful mini speculaasjes in 8 handout bags. Handy to take with you and fun to hand out! The Smoeltjes laugh at you. That makes you happy!"
Dave - I could imagine the average Dutch person having them in their pocket for a little snack.
Kitty - Very hard texture, I do like the flavour... gingerbread and cinnamon in there too.
More information

3. Kruidvat Mermaid Kruidnoten
"Are you crazy about Sinterklaas but do you miss the summer, sun and sea? Then enjoy these Kruidvat Mermaid Herb Nuts." -

Dave - Not bad, biscuit in the middle. They're good. They're alright.
Kitty - Oh! Ooo they've got a crispy centre... like a crispy M&M but giant.
4. Almond Squares by The Dutch Bakehouse
Kitty found these at her local Dutch supermarket (an IGA).

Dave - Hahahaha - like a wedding cake!
Kitty - Oh, nup. Disgusting... that's like being in The Netherlands, and going into a shop and they've got some Australian cakes and it's a Top Taste Jam Roll. That is disgusting, that's not something they want to be exporting.
More about Dutch Bakehose Almond Squares, if you really want more info.

Munch Along Video!
Gemma made a munch along
Watch her and her partner/husband/someone munch along with special Dutch insight, AND! ANOTHER COIN!
The Junkees Facebook Group - VIDEO HERE

Also mentioned in the episode
Was Black Pete, now 'Rainbow Pete'
The internationally maligned Dutch tradition of the Santa-equivelant having a black-face companion was put to bed. Now Rainbow Pete is doing the December festival sidekick job.
Here's a great in-depth read from The New Yorker.
The 'Justin Bieber visiting Anne Frank's house' story is true!
Something that could be equally motivating to raise a palm to your face - Justin Bieber did suggest that Anne Frank would be a fan of his.
NB: That's realy only possible if either of them were alive in the other's time and they'd found themselves in circumstances where her family was not persecuted by a fascist political party at war or where he'd found fame without the aid of YouTube and managed to transmit that fame from Canada to The Netherlands.
More reading below, courtest of The Guardian.
Follow Kitty! Instagram / Facebook / YouTube
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Dave on The Debrief and Somehow Related podcasts
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